Ragnarok Token — Day 2 and 3 Summary + Deep dive into our use case

Ragnarok Token
3 min readApr 30, 2021


Want to see a deep dive into our use case? Keep reading and find out about our achievements so far!


We should be very proud of what we have achieved so far and excited about what is yet to come! Our community is growing by the minute and we now have over 2000 users in our Telegram community (https://t.me/ragnaroktoken) and have hit a 2M market cap with over 1200 holders. We have also held our first successful community vote with over 200 voters and have defined our use case.

This is an amazing achievement, but it’s just the beginning!

Use Case — Data Visualisation Tools

The community has chosen to build data visualization tools that help assess the risk of an investment based on data fetched from the blockchain. This will enable investors to see if a token has a high chance of being a scam by just glancing at the Ragnarok Interface. This interface will be composed of information provided in a clean and easy to read way thanks to our design team.

Automatic Audits
Machine learning will be implemented to the Ragnarok Interface to provide the user with a confidence score for a particular token.

Our community has shown it’s talents once more and has given us 3 Machine Learning experts that will be building an AI which will allocate a confidence score of 0–100% to a project based on how safe it is. By making our interface automated, we can offer this service for every single token in BSC, similar to PooCoin Charts. You’ll just have to ‘paste’ a Contract Address and our algorithms will do the magic.

Optional Audits and KYC

We will also offer Optional Audits and KYCs to project owners so they can prove to their community the legitimacy of their project. Once a project is Audited, KYCed or both, it will show up in the Ragnarok Interface as a stamp or certificate to let users know that the project has completed the optional tasks. This gives users additional security when investing in a token.

The Ragnarok (RGNK) token

In order to give more value to the token and fund this project, the RGNK token will be used in two ways.

Firstly, audits will need to be paid in the form of liquidity. This means that if a project owner wants to have our audited stamp in their token, they will need to provide liquidity to the RGNK liquidity pool. These tokens will then be required to be sent to a development wallet where they will be accumulated to enable CEX listings in the future.

Secondly, only holders of the RGNK token will be allowed to use the platform. This means that our community will keep growing and our token will become even more valuable. The specific requirements are still to be decided but it won’t be expensive and will be calculated at the current dollar price. This means that we will not be excluding people with lower funds.

